A gravel road bike ride with Gravel & Grind of Frederick
From Gravel and Grind:
Medium sized dirt road ride and big sized deluxe wine tasting. Here’s the details:
Who: Gravel & Grind with Orchid Cellar Winery and Meadery
What: 30 mile hilly and dirty ride from our shop at 132 S. Carroll Street to the winery in Middletown. Ride is followed by a big wine tasting, full flight, barrel pours and experimental brews. Shuttle service back to Frederick
When: Sept 20th. Meet at the shop at 3.45, wheels down at 4.15. We’ll be home well after dark.
Where: Meet at the shop.
How: Paypal us $25 bucks or come into the shop. We’ll get your name on the list. Only 10 slots.
21+ please.
Bring: Lights, helmet, big snacks, water, roadish bike with dirt road abilities.